Thursday, November 30, 2006


Okay... now some of you think this blog is taking things too far, or things are really not that bad out here. Well, my neighbor tells me that he got a call from Sanipac this morning telling him that they found used hypodermic needles in his curbside trash. They bereated him a bit, even threatening to call the police! He pretty much told them that until they provide locking trashcans, there wasn't too much he could do about it. Whatever dude... Sanipac can kiss my ass. They know what kind of area this is and flipping my neighbor shit was uncalled for. Anyway, apparently we are now at the point where we need LOCKING GARBAGE CANS!
(By the way, did you notice how many of those prostitute charges on our friends had matching drug charges?) Yeah, "victimless crime", whatever.......


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