Wednesday, December 06, 2006

whore (hôr, hr) n.

Ya know, I have been catching flack from some folks for the use of the word "whore" in the title of this blog. Apparently, some over-sensitive types feel that it is a "bad-word" and are offended. I do like to point out to them that the King James Version of the Bible has 65 instances of the word "whore" right there in it's revered pages.

For the record, here is what the American Heritage Dictionary has to say on the subject:

whore (hôr, hr)
1. A prostitute.
2. A person considered sexually promiscuous.
3. A person considered as having compromised principles for
personal gain.

nope... nowhere does it say anything about the word being profane.

Wikipedia has some interesting facts on street prostitution if you are in the reading mood.

I just cannot figure it... ya get upset about the word "whore" but the activity of whoring going on in plain sight every day doesn't faze ya. Go figure.

Wish me luck, Whorewatch Dude is off to battle Crack Whore... hopefully the fight will show up in an upcoming issue. (Why can't I get my own comic???)


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